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GLW Underarm Whitening Scrub Coffee Grounds is a luxurious scrub designed to enhance the beauty of your underarms. Infused with Papaya Extract and Kojic, this scrub aims to lighten and smoothen your skin.

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Here are some of its benefits:

  1. Exfoliation: The scrub gently exfoliates your underarms with coffee grounds, improving the appearance of fine lines, ingrown hair, and chicken skin.
  2. Skin Lightening: Infused with Papaya Extract and Kojic, known for their skin-lightening properties, this scrub can help make your underarms appear lighter and more even-toned.
  3. Vitamin C: Rich in Vitamin C, this scrub can help protect your skin from damage and promote a healthy glow.
  4. Anti-Microbial Properties: The scrub has natural anti-microbial properties that can help reduce uneven texture and eliminate body odors, keeping your underarms fresh and clean.

*Remember to always do a patch test before using any new skincare product to ensure it suits your skin.

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